Specialists in creating engaging, interactive and fun language learning resources for English, French , Spanish, German and Portuguese classes.
Exam preparation, conversation, reading & writing, speaking & listening, grammar & vocabulary.
Specialists in creating engaging, interactive and fun language learning resources for English, French , Spanish, German and Portuguese classes.
Exam preparation, conversation, reading & writing, speaking & listening, grammar & vocabulary.
Part 1: Acquire Target Vocabulary
Students match vocabulary with images of toys.
Part 2: Use Target Vocabulary
Students discuss & debate conversation questions relating to toys.
Target Vocabulary:
Abacus - Soldiers - Backpack - Ball - Books - Building blocks
Camera - Car - Dinosaurs - Doll - Globe - Helicopter - Lego - Marbles
Robot - Tambourine - Tank - Teddy bear - Train set - Tricycle - Truck
Xylophone - Yo yo
Target Skills:
Express opinions
Extend answers
Maintain a conversation
Elicit more information
Agree or disagree
Justify arguments
Part 1: Acquire Target Vocabulary
Students match transport vocabulary with images.
Part 2: Use Target Vocabulary
Students discuss & debate conversation questions relating to transport.
Target Vocabulary:
Target Skills:
Express opinions
Extend answers
Maintain a conversation
Elicit more information
Agree or disagree
Justify arguments
1. Students first speculate about the purpose of some futuristic technologies.
2. In pairs, the students then brainstorm ideas about why people may be either optimistic or pessimistic about the future of the following areas:
Environment - Health - Education - Work - Sport
News and the internet - Entertainment - Food - Cities
3. After debate, the pairs decide if they are overall optimist or pessimist about the future of each area and record their decisions in a table.
4. The students compare their tables with each other and exchange ideas and opinions.
Target Skills:
Express opinions
Extend answers
Maintain a conversation
Elicit more information
Agree or disagree
Justify arguments
Negotiate towards a decision
Persuade and convince a partner
Thematic discussion questions designed to encourage fluency & confidence in French
Ideal to use as an engaging warmer or as a dynamic speaking activity to finish a class.
Aimed at adults and teenagers.
Thematic discussion questions designed to encourage fluency & confidence in French
Ideal to use as an engaging warmer or as a dynamic speaking activity to finish a class.
Aimed at adults and teenagers.
Increase vocabulary retention with active engagement with new words.
A communicative approach to learning new vocabulary.
Gamification options and full instructions provided.
Increase vocabulary retention with active engagement with new words.
A communicative approach to learning new vocabulary.
Gamification options and full instructions provided.
Part 1: Acquire Target Vocabulary
Students match sports extrêmes vocabulary with images.
Part 2: Use Target Vocabulary
Students discuss & debate conversation questions relating to sports extrêmes.
Target Vocabulary:
Escalade - Flyboard - Jet ski - Karting - Kitesurf - Laser game
Paintball - Parachutisme d’intérieur - Parapente - Windsurf
Randonnée en quad - Saut à l’élastique - Saut en échasses
Target Skills:
Express opinions
Extend answers
Maintain a conversation
Elicit more information
Agree or disagree
Justify arguments
Part 1: Acquire Target Vocabulary
Students match vocabulary with images of tools.
Part 2: Use Target Vocabulary
Students discuss & debate conversation questions relating to tools, DIY and repairing things.
Target Vocabulary:
Axe - Boîte à outils - Boulon - Casque - Clé - Clé à molette
Clou - Cutter - Écrou - Marteau - Mètre - Niveau à bulle
Perceuse - Pince - Pinceau - Prise murale - Scie - Spatule
Tenailles - Tournevis - Vis
Target Skills:
Express opinions
Extend answers
Maintain a conversation
Elicit more information
Agree or disagree
Justify arguments
Part 1: Acquire Target Vocabulary
Students match baking ingredients vocabulary with images.
Part 2: Use Target Vocabulary
Students discuss & debate conversation questions relating to baking, cakes, bread and cooking in general.
Target Vocabulary:
Target Skills:
Express opinions
Extend answers
Maintain a conversation
Elicit more information
Agree or disagree
Justify arguments
Thematic discussion questions designed to encourage fluency & confidence in French
Ideal to use as an engaging warmer or as a dynamic speaking activity to finish a class.
Aimed at adults and teenagers.
Thematic discussion questions designed to encourage fluency & confidence in French
Ideal to use as an engaging warmer or as a dynamic speaking activity to finish a class.
Aimed at adults and teenagers.
Increase vocabulary retention with active engagement with new words.
A communicative approach to learning new vocabulary.
Gamification options and full instructions provided.
Increase vocabulary retention with active engagement with new words.
A communicative approach to learning new vocabulary.
Gamification options and full instructions provided.
Increase vocabulary retention with active engagement with new words.
A communicative approach to learning new vocabulary.
Gamification options and full instructions provided.
Increase vocabulary retention with active engagement with new words.
A communicative approach to learning new vocabulary.
Gamification options and full instructions provided.
Increase vocabulary retention with active engagement with new words.
A communicative approach to learning new vocabulary.
Gamification options and full instructions provided.